The year began with the Jubilee Mass in January at the Teaneck Marriott at Glenpointe, where 800 parishioners participated in Mass and then had breakfast. Parishioner Dorothy Galea described it as “so moving...a spiritually uplifting experience!” Other highlights included:
--the Newark Boy’s Choir entertaining the parish in February,
--there was a book drive for St. Anthony's High School Jersey City,in Jersey City, Mat Glowski, Principal.Many parishioners participated.
--In March, Ralph Martin’s Mission on "Call to Holiness Call to Mission"drew a crowd well beyond the boundaries of St. Anastasia’s.
--The April activity was the F.A.S.T. -sponsored dance in Bergenfield.
--The Spring Concert, hosted by Anthony Laciura, directed by Charles Warren, was May 24, followed by two International Events.
--St. Anastasia’s in June hosted a Haitian Mass, developed by Georgette Delanois, followed by a reception. Also that month, the 5 pm Mass was a Filipino Mass,followed by an International Dinner from parishioners’ contributions, coordinated by Helena Leiter.
--The July Fourth Teaneck Parade had a parish contingent of over 100, attired inSt. Anastasia’s T-shirts, featuring the Centennial logo designed by Bob O’Brien.
--In August and September, photos of individuals, families, and parish groups were taken for the Parish Directory, coordinated by Gary Dietrich,
--In September, The History of the Parish: 100 Years of Faith was prepared by the Jubilee History Committee, chaired by Mary Lou Abrams, with Patricia O’Brien Libutti and Erin Pommerenke. September 13 was the Spanish Mass followed by a reception with Spanish food, and September 27 was the Parish Picnic, with the Parish Cook Book, organized by Kathy Glowski, offered for sale.
--October 4 was the panel discussion”The Future of the Catholic Church”, led by Msgr. William Harris and Dr. Tim Muldoon. The parish that month also celebrated the Jubilee of Sr. Adrienne on October 19th.
--In November, the Most Reverend John J. Myers, fifth Archbishop of Newark, came to St. A’s to celebrate the Centennial Anniversary Mass at 4 pm. Seventeen priests attended, inc`luding forme3r pastors Hillary Milton, Tom Jordan, Joel Schevers. A full listing is in the Centennial Mass Videos and Photos section.A Dinner-Dance at the Fiesta followed the Mass. Coordination was done by Bob Paladino, Elizabeth Larson and Claire Baker.

Pictured: Centennial flags, design by Bob O'Brien;Fr. Dan and Sr. Adrienne, SSJ on her Jubille day (Oct. 19, 2008).

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