Monday, October 27, 2008

Religious Education Ministry

Sr. Adrienne directs the Faith Formation programs, including Faith Formation for Children, which provides classes for grades 1-9, and Faith Formation for Adults, which is the Rite of Christian Initiation. The parish is now very different from when
Jane Sullivan recollected catechism classes:
"I remember Selvage Ave. when it was a daisy field. Father Peter used to come over from Englewood and we'd have our catechism in the daisy field.”

First Communion pictures show the work in progress with our younsters.
Now, parishioners are catechists, working to keep the Faith in our young ones

Pictured: First Communion 2001

Pictured: First Communion 2003

Pictured: First Communion 2006

Pictured: First Communion 2007

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